Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"What Self-Love Really Is"

By Sandra Dawson, MA
America's Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert

Many people have a distorted view about the distinction between "loving yourself and loving someone else."

The common view looks something like this. "If you can get someone to love you, then you will love yourself." And off you go, to find the love of your life.

You hope, and you pray that some how, some way, someone will love you and treat you well, never knowing that you are inviting a fantasy bond with someone who lacks self-love just like you do.
A fantasy bond is thinking and feeling, like you have a relationship with someone, but you don't share who you really are with that person. There is no real emotional foundation to a fantasy bond, so it usually ends.

Some even think that the stronger the attraction to another person, the greater the love. This all too common approach to love is a big disappointment, to say the least, for many, many people. It is more like how to break your heart.

When a fantasy bond is broken, it feels like your heart is breaking. It is very painful even though the relationship lacked a real foundation. But while the fantasy bond lacked a real foundation, it was based on truly wanting to love someone and to be loved. How sad. You want love, but your own lack of self-love keeps getting in the way. It keeps you attracting partners to you that lack the same self love you lack.

Loving yourself and loving someone else are far more alike than you or most people think. To Love yourself means valuing and accepting yourself and meeting all of your needs. Loving someone else means valuing and accepting them and being 100% supportive of them meeting their own needs. See how closely alike these are?
And you cannot value and accept someone if the real person is not known.

Who you are must be completely known and answered. Who are you or who is the real you? If you don't know, how can your partner know?

Loving yourself will not only feel great and turn your life around from top to bottom, it will also teach you how to have a relationship with someone else, including children and friends if you want to improve those relationships too.

The question I am asked most often, is "what is a healthy relationship?" Think of a healthy love relationship as one where both partners are taking care of their own needs, while at the same time they are being supportive of the needs of their partner.

The most successful relationships are in fact created by two people who love themselves, and who do not feel guilty about taking care of themselves.

If you are looking for love, then the most important advice I can give you, is for you to be your real self and put that real person out there to be seen and wanted. If you are too afraid to risk doing this, please read my eBook, "How to Fall Madly in Love with Yourself" and talk with me about ways you can learn to love yourself more. I can help you succeed at finding the love of your life. Click here for more information about my eBook or paste this url into your browser:

If you are already in a relationship that you would like to be happier in, please focus on taking responsibility for meeting your own needs and asking for what you want from your partner. If he or she says no, learn to respond with love and understanding, not with anger and threats. Also, read my eBook, "How to Fall Madly in Love with Yourself" and talk with me about ways you can learn to love yourself more in order to improve every aspect of your love relationship. Click here for more information about my eBook or paste this url into your browser:

Your life is too short to waste one more minute not loving yourself 100%. Why not take this great opportunity now to improve everything in your life by learning how to fall madly in love with yourself.
My eBook will show you how. It took me over 30 years to learn how to love myself, and now you can use my 15 steps to self-love and achieve success in love and life more easily and faster.
I am looking forward to hearing from you and helping you on your journey to increased self-love.

With love and blessings,

Sandra Dawson, MA
America's Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert

Free 1st Chapter of my eBook and Free subscription to my eNewsletter,
"Love Yourself Now", please click here:

310 291 2201
631 228 4361
Institute for Self-Love
P O Box 86
Westhampton Beach, NY

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I want to help motivate you to commit to loving yourself 100% by using my recipe for self-love. People who love themselves have love and money in their lives. They feel happy and they are enjoying the abundance of the universe. You can too, and it is easier than you think, if you can find someone who will tell you truly what you need to do. I am that person.

I used to feel so jealous of people who had money and love. Don't you? Maybe you feel jealous of me. I have both now. I want you to know I started out with nothing. I am truly a self-made woman, and I want to show you how to be a self-made man or woman. I have learned the hard way, and I can make your learning much easier.

First Ingredient: use your jealousy to motivate you. If you see someone who has something you don't have and you want it, use your jealousy to trigger this thought: "how will I get that for myself?" And go to work figuring it out right away. And ask for help if you feel you need it!

Second Ingredient: Develop an attitude of gratitude for what you do have. With gratitude for what you have, you immediately will feel confident. You will be acknowledging what you have accomplished, and that in itself means you have abilities to take care of yourself. Celebrate those abilities and feel good about them starting now. This will help you create a foundation for developing more skills and greater success.

Third Ingredient: Decide what you will do and when you will do it. The human mind will wander everywhere except where you need to go, if you don't decide upon your goals and when you will do them. It's how our brains work. Don't put yourself down, because your mind wanders. Everyone's mind wanders. Discipline yourself with specific decisions about what you will do and when you will do it. You will be amazed with your progress if you do this one thing.

Fourth Ingredient: If you don't know what goals to set for yourself, please read my eBook. I have clearly outlined exactly what you need to do to fall madly in love with yourself. Follow my 15 steps and you will be on the most exciting path to self-love and success that you have ever been on.

Get the 1st Chapter of my ebook, "How to Fall Madly in Love with Yourself" for free and my eNewsletter, "Love Yourself Now" by clicking here:

With love and blessings,

Sandra Dawson, MA
Love and Relationship Coach
America's Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert

631 228 4361
310 291 2201

Sunday, July 13, 2008

"Self-Help for Self-Love"

"Self-Help for Self-Love"

Believe in Yourself. Expect the Best and Get It!

Give yourself permission to go after what you want in love and life. You can succeed if you will remove the obstacles that are currently in your way. Let me know what those obstacles are. Let me know what you need most in order to succeed. You deserve to love yourself, and you have been born to have success in love and life.

You deserve to believe in yourself, to expect the best and to succeed. I am here to help you. I am listening. I want you to fall madly in love with yourself, and I am an expert at teaching people how to accomplish this goal. I was a Marriage and Family Therapist in California for over 10 years, and I am a Trauma Expert and Relationship Coach now in New York.
Join my mailing list for free and receive the 1st chapter of my ebook, "How to Fall Madly in Love with Yourself" and my eNewsletter, "Love Yourself Now."
Then, please let me know what your obstacles are to loving yourself so I can help you remove them, one obstacle at a time.

May all your dreams come true.
With love and blessings,
Sandra Dawson, MA
Love and Relationship Coach
America's Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert
join my club:
Free 1st chapter of my ebook and eNewsletter:

$600 per hour shrinks? You can do better.....

I recently read an article in the New York Times about $600/hour psychoanalysts serving the rich. I think this is a big waste of time for a highly successful rich person to do. If you have a personality disorder, then by all means, hire a freudian analyst, but for the vast majority of highly successful clients, there is no need to seek this kind of help, no matter how credible an analyst's expertise may sound.

If you are feeling dissatified with your life in any way or anxious about pressures in your life, you are displaying symptoms that directly indicate a lack of self-love. When you love yourself, you take care of all of your human needs, and as a result of doing that, you feel empowered, happy and fulfilled.

Love and happiness are not the result of a great balance sheet. Money helps to support the needs of the real self, if you know how to love yourself 100%. I am a successful Love Coach and I can show you how to fall madly in love with yourself. By doing this, you will truly create a totally fufilling and happy life for yourself. Seeing a freudian analyst might boost your ego, but it will do nothing to solve your real problems in life, because it is most probably a mismatched relationship.

I was a Marriage and Family Therapist in California for 15 years, and now I am a Love and Relationship Coach in Westhampton Beach, New York. I have been helping individuals, couples and groups to love and accept their true selves for more than 25 years. I am the founder of the Institute for Self-Love, and I am passionate about helping you remove any and all obstacles to loving and valuing yourself 100%. I am trained to work with communication and relationship issues, anxiety, depression and trauma, which are all possible obstacles to your emotional well-being. I am also trained in an energy trauma method that is truly remarkable in its effectiveness for transforming a highly activated nervous system to a nervous system that is calmly alert.

If you have anxiety that stops you from doing what you truly want to do, please contact me asap.

You can contact me at 310 291 2201 or 631 228 4361.

You can receive my free eNewsletter "Love Yourself Now, and the 1st Chapter of my ebook, free by clicking here:

With love and blessings,

Sandra Dawson, MA
America's Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert

Saturday, March 15, 2008

What is a true connection?

One of the biggest problems in relationships is the lack of a true connection.

What is a true connection?

It is a desire to be with someone because you want to share yourself with them and you want them to share themselves with you. The experience of sharing is so gratifying that you look forward to being with each other. Disconnected behavior in love relationships can sometimes look like the following: affairs, addictions to porn, drugs, alcohol or work, emotionally too close to an opposite sex friend, or too involved with a hobby or some activity.

The underlying problem with disconnected behavior is a lack of connection with oneself. Couples who are disconnected find each other. If your partner is disconnected, then you can be sure you are too. This means that you lacked the kind of support and nurturing from your parents that would have allowed you to become an adult who trusts closeness.

The solution is healing your broken heart. When children don’t get the support and nurturing they truly need to stay in touch with their need for connection, their hearts are truly broken. I am willing to bet your heart has been broken too.

Please don’t let another day go by without working on healing your broken heart. By doing this, you can learn to reach out and connect with your partner, instead of demanding that he or she do something you can’t even do yourself.

I can help you. I would recommend that you learn how to fall madly in love with yourself. Your heart was broken because your parents didn’t meet your needs. Your needs fall into five general categories: physical needs, safety and security needs, belonging and acceptance needs, self-esteem needs and self-actualization needs. Healing your broken heart is something you can do as an adult, and it is something that will change every aspect of your life for the better.

With Love and Blessings,

Sandra Dawson, MA
America’s Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert
Free Chapter of My eBook at:

Sign up for my free eNewsletter at:

How Human Beings Hold Themselves Back

I am continually reminded of the harsh imprint our families and society inflict upon us as children. Those daily discounts and put downs, abuse or neglect, are neatly stored in your unconscious brain, and because they are unconscious, they are rarely paid any attention, unless you are acting out their meanings.

If you are unhappy about anything that seems to be a pattern in your life, you can be absolutely sure that you are stuck in a past belief system that you learned as a child. Leaving those messages alone, and doing nothing about them, is how human beings hold themselves back from one generation to the next.

If your parents loved themselves and each other, because they were taught how to be loving by their own parents, then you are probably not reading my eNewsletter. Whoever you are, you are enjoying a fulfilling career and loving relationships, and continually growing to become all you can be. You don't even understand why others are complaining or having a hard time themselves.

All human beings are born with the potential to learn to meet their needs, but they are not necessarily taught how to do it to create positive outcomes. Since we learned negative ways of living, we can unlearn them. It’s not easy work, but it is very possible and extremely rewarding to go from self-doubt to self-love.

For a detailed step-by-step plan to learn how to love yourself, you can get the 3rd edition of “How to Fall Madly in Love with Yourself” right now by clicking here:

Believe in yourself, expect the best and get it, starting now. You want more and you deserve more. You always have and you always will. Give yourself the gift of 100% self-love now.

With love and blessings,

Sandra Dawson, MA
Love and Relationship Coach
America’s Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert