Saturday, March 15, 2008

How Human Beings Hold Themselves Back

I am continually reminded of the harsh imprint our families and society inflict upon us as children. Those daily discounts and put downs, abuse or neglect, are neatly stored in your unconscious brain, and because they are unconscious, they are rarely paid any attention, unless you are acting out their meanings.

If you are unhappy about anything that seems to be a pattern in your life, you can be absolutely sure that you are stuck in a past belief system that you learned as a child. Leaving those messages alone, and doing nothing about them, is how human beings hold themselves back from one generation to the next.

If your parents loved themselves and each other, because they were taught how to be loving by their own parents, then you are probably not reading my eNewsletter. Whoever you are, you are enjoying a fulfilling career and loving relationships, and continually growing to become all you can be. You don't even understand why others are complaining or having a hard time themselves.

All human beings are born with the potential to learn to meet their needs, but they are not necessarily taught how to do it to create positive outcomes. Since we learned negative ways of living, we can unlearn them. It’s not easy work, but it is very possible and extremely rewarding to go from self-doubt to self-love.

For a detailed step-by-step plan to learn how to love yourself, you can get the 3rd edition of “How to Fall Madly in Love with Yourself” right now by clicking here:

Believe in yourself, expect the best and get it, starting now. You want more and you deserve more. You always have and you always will. Give yourself the gift of 100% self-love now.

With love and blessings,

Sandra Dawson, MA
Love and Relationship Coach
America’s Most Loving Relationship and Trauma Expert

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